Beauty failed to save the world

Beauty failed to save the world
2011, used silicon implants

“Beauty failed to save the world” is a work with a poetic title. It is referring to the failure of the ideal, which was the embodiment of unity between truth, good, and beauty. The artist is reformulating the famous Dostoevski words from the novel “Idiot”. She is looking at the notion of beauty from the viewpoint of today’s industry. As if on a window display in the drawer she has arranged silicone breast implants on a light box. The artificial, cold light coming through the silicone is creating the sensation of detached immaterial beauty. Placed in two rows next to each other and “clasped” by the drawer frame, the objects are strangely disciplined. The level of perfection is itself a commentary on the violence of the perfect lack of deficiencies.”

Vladiya Mihailova, curator